Many mortgage bankers and loan originators entered the mortgage banking industry because it offered them an opportunity to work in a professional environment and earn large fees if they worked hard. Arranging financing for mortgages is a complicated and grueling process but in the end the financial rewards justified the struggle. Recently the Dodd-Frank Act and it's convoluted income restrictions was the first attack on these incentives. Coming up, we see the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( CFPB) laying the groundwork to surgically remove the remaining incentives. We may have a solution for you. One you've probably never thought about.
At we work with banks and mortgage firms that offer mortgage bankers and loan originators employment opportunities that reward you for your entrepreneurial acumen. One of the opportunities that you may have missed is the Reverse Mortgage Loan. The main reason that you should be interested is because you can earn up to 700 bps per transaction.. You read it right, $7,000 per $100K funded. In all of the confusion with flat fee requirements, and consumer paid or lender paid fees, this is the single most financially rewarding transaction out there for the motivated residential originator.
Click Here for more information about earning 700 bps on one transaction.
Although other firms offer the ability for you to market Reverse Mortgages, only one mortgage firm offers you a platform to earn these premium fees and gives you the support to do so. Only one firm offers their branch managers the flexibility to run their operation with a great degree of independence. Only one firm will pay you the fees generated within 72 hours of closing. Only one firm offers you an advanced web portal that enables branch managers to pay their bills online; Only one firm has a sophisticated payroll mechanism that automatically calculates and pays your loan officers their fees via direct deposit after closing. That firm is one of our clients. They have a department dedicated to helping you close these kinds of loans and run your branch with minimum interference. So while you listen to the rest of your originator friends complaining about how their income per transaction has been deteriorating, smile. We are pleased to say that, with Reverse Mortgage Loans, making your 6 figure income has never been easier.
Contact me for more information on the firm offering this opportunity. (Not offered in the state of New York) is a specialty recruiting firm that works with banks and mortgage firms across the country. Job candidates
NEVER pay a fee for our services. Our fees are paid for you by our corporate clients.
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