Thursday, August 30, 2012

Need a new career, Call Sam

We're pleased to announce that Sam Ray has become our newest affiliate recruiter at Sam has spent most of the past 5 years in various mortgage banking related positions in the mortgage division at Wells Fargo. Sam understands what it means to work at a large institution and the sometimes troubling compromises employees are forced to make. He brings this understanding to his role of helping you find the right employment situation where you can profitably and enjoyably continue your career. 

If you are a mortgage producer, Sam has an assortment of firms that will offer you an entrepreneurially rewarding opportunity that will help you generate maximum fees; Here's an example of one:


If you are an experienced underwriter, processor, executive, secondary market sales or have worked in any other role in the mortgage banking industry and are looking to change firms, Sam can help you. Finally, if you are the owner of a small firm that would like to merge with or consolidate its operations into a larger firm or bank, Sam can explore your options with you.

Sam handles placements in the Southeastern US. Contact Sam.

specialty recruiters for the mortgage and banking industries. 
Job candidates NEVER pay a fees for our services. Our fees are paid for you by our corporate clients.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Video Resumes

As job candidates find themselves facing increasing competition for good positions, resourceful candidates look for a competitive advantage or a way to stand out. One suggestion we at, would make is using a video resume or CV to help you make an impact. Think of it from the employer's, or recruiter's point of view. Hundreds of people sometimes apply for one position. Candidates only have a few seconds to make an impact on the reviewer. After reviewing a stack of resumes watching a video resume is a refreshing change. The recruiter's attention level has been heightened.. Providing a video resume gives a candidate an advantage because it enables her to illustrate to the recruiter some of the characteristics others can only list on a paper resume. For example, a person may describe himself as upbeat and outgoing; On the video their demeanor will be obvious as will the positive effect their enthusiasm generates. Many candidates portray themselves as possessing above-average communication skills. What better way to prove this than to show the recruiter your exemplary skills first hand? How you say something is probably more important than what you say.  We frequently see candidates describe episodes in their prior employment where they implemented an innovative solution to accomplish a goal. This is an informative bit of history but not nearly as effective as using an innovative tool, like a video resume or CV, to convince the recruiter that you have the skills necessary for the job you're seeking. Initiative is another frequently cited attribute in resumes, especially on the managerial level. Initiative usually involves trying new solutions to old problems. When a candidate spends the extra time and effort to create an engaging video resume recruiters will not need to be convinced that they possess initiative;It will be obvious.

Creating a video resume or CV only requires a few steps. Approach it like a job interview. Make it no longer than 2 minutes; Upload it to Youtube. Select the private option.To send it to a a prospective employer just enter the recipient's email address into the share feature. The privacy option prevents public viewing; Only those people who receive your invitation may view it. We, at, also suggest that you include your social media contact information in an email or in the video. This helps us get an even better appreciation of you and your talents.

One of the techniques we use at are video job ads.  You can see them here   WATCH VIDEOS

We are currently searching for job candidates with skills of all kinds in the mortgage banking industry. If you have experience in this area please contact a recruiter today. 
CONTACT  RECRUITER is a specialty recruiter that works with banks and mortgage companies across the country. Job candidates  NEVER pay a fee for our services. Our fees are paid for you by our corporate clients. recruiters for the mortgage and banking industries. 

Naples   Minneapolis   New Haven   Houston   St. Louis   Orlando  Memphis

Monday, August 20, 2012

How to grow your mortgage firm: Consolidations

Despite all of the recent changes in the mortgage banking industry, most banks and mortgage firms still have one goal in focus...increasing production. Although growing your firm branch by branch, LO by LO, (organically) is still a good bet you may not realize that there is a very potent alternative that will increase your firm's production rather quickly without requiring a huge investment. It's done by blending another smaller firm into your operation. We call it a consolidation. Although it resembles a merger or acquisition it is considerably less complicated.  At, we have a department, the Strategic Consolidations Department,  that works with firms who are searching for companies with which they can consolidate operations. Conversely, we work with companies that want to be absorbed into another larger firm.

Several of the factors that we review when considering a consolidation are:
  • the compatibility of cultures of the two companies;
  • the marketing platforms
  • target markets
  • assets to be transferred
  • salary package for main players.
  • scalability of operations
Typically, the owner of the smaller firm simply winds down his firm, puts any segregated net worth funds into his pocket and orchestrates the hiring of his employees by the new firm. The prior owner usually comes on board as a district or division manager. The existing branches remain in their locations and essentially take down one sign and put up another. In some cases we have even seen the smaller firm keep a name similar to their own or DBA.

There are ways to minimize the problems that transactions like these can generate. At we put in a lot of effort prior to the transaction to eliminate obvious problems and cultivate a strong foundation for the new relationship. When those inevitable  disagreements do occur, we, at,  are there to help you iron them out. One mistake that firms make when trouble starts is trying to cast themselves as both negotiator and mediator. This can be a tragic mistake when the parties land at odds about their respective best interests. Sometimes only a trusted third party who knows the surrounding circumstances is the answer, and that's us,   Contact one of our representatives in our Strategic Consolidations Department to find out how you can grow your firm by consolidation or blend your firm into a larger bank or mortgage firm.
Click here; INFORMATION is a specialty recruiting firm that works with banks and mortgage firms across the country.

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