Over the past several years a combination of new regulations, deflated income and a disintegrating housing market have all combined to ruin the credit of some very talented mortgage bankers and brokers. They are caught in a sort of Catch 22: They need to close transactions to boost their income and clean up their credit but they find it almost impossible to obtain a state mortgage license or have their existing license renewed due to poor credit. What can you do? At netbranchology.com we have an answer for some people facing this dilemma. One of our clients is a state chartered bank. Employees of a state chartered bank do not need to have a state issued mortgage license. Therefore you can sidestep this credit issue by becoming an employee of the bank. The reason that our client bank will hire job candidates regardless of their credit situation is because they are aware of the circumstances in the market and focus on the quality of your track record. Regulators understand that the bank assumes liability for the employee. Over the past several years many bankers have stood by helplessly as their credit has gone from bad to worse especially those in the hardest hit states like CA, FL and AZ. Don't let this impediment derail your career; Wouldn't you like to work for a bank that believes in you enough to vouch for you? Contact us today to discuss your situation.. Chris@netbranchology.com
netbranchology.com is a specialty mortgage recruiting firm that works with banks and mortgage firms across the country. Job candidates NEVER pay a fee for our services. Our fees are paid for you by our corporate clients.
specialty recruiters for the mortgage and banking industries...
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