Sunday, January 29, 2012

Get back your mojo

Over the past several years there has been a great deal of confusion and trepidation on the part of mortgage bankers and originators over the future of the industry. One of the most prominent concerns is how to get situated with a bank or mortgage firm that is compliant but still offers the entrepreneurial opportunity that attracted you to the business in the first place. Recently, the smoke has begun to clear. It is true that many originators have left the business but for those who have perservered and who are committed to making a career as a mortgage producer new opportunities have emerged. Certain banks and mortgage companies have reconfigured their employment options and want to hire experienced bankers and brokers who thrive in an entrepreneurial environment. We aren't talking about the big banks and larger firms that feed you the same old party line about their commitment to service and their new-found respect for the originator. Face it... at those usual suspects you'll always be a number. They'll grind you up and throw your dead body along the side of the road. We see it everyday. You're naive if you believe what they tell you. On the other hand, some of the regional firms with whom we work are focused on creating an entrepreneurial environment to nurture the skills of the motivated producer. For example, one of the firms we represent permits you to blend or merge your firm into the parent but keep your firm's name as a D/B/A. If you , as the president of a small firm, wanted to expand your operation, you'd incur a great deal of expense, in an effort to do so. Imagine simply blending your firm with a larger more financially stable bank or firm without all of that expense while keeping your brand intact. That 's the kind of entrepreneurial thinking we're talking about. At we work with individuals and firms that are seeking to re-invent themselves or just reposition themselves in the industry. We work with an assortment of banks and mortgage firms that value producers and strive to create a working environment that helps producers and originators realize their goals. is a specialty mortgage recruiting firm that works with banks and mortgage firms across the country. Job candidates NEVER pay a fee for our services. Our fees are paid for you by our corporate clients. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you increase your income.

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